TMZ is a really fun website. Their polls are often interesting too. But the problem is, you have to vote to see the results.
The Greasemonkey userscript "TMZ Poll Results" provides a way to see the poll results without voting. All you have to do is click on the bold and red title that immediately preceeds the radio buttons.
As with any Greasemonkey user script, it messes with a site over which none of us have any control. TMZ is perfectly capable of changing their website tomorrow and suddenly, this user script could stop working. But again, that's true of any user script.
On the other hand, I personally use this script all the time. If TMZ changes their poll URLs or web pages such that this script stops working, I'm going to want to fix it right away, for my own use.
If you have a problem, I'm on Twitter as @WebManWlkg. Please report HTML changes that cause the script to stop working, in particular.
The thought recently occurred to me that one group of people who need this userscript the most are the people who work at TMZ! (What if they want to check the current percentages, but don't want to influence the actual results from the public?) Well, all the more reason the TMZ folks should have it too.
All I ask in return is that you tell Charles that Jesse Metcalf's arm was held down, so he couldn't defend against the sucker punch. And he wasn't knocked out. Technically, he wasn't even knocked down. He went down voluntarily so that he could roll right back up to his feet. That shows that Metcalf has some martial arts knowledge. Would you please call Charles on that b.s.?
This, of course, proves that I'm a real fan of TMZ.
The following .js hotlink opens a new window containing the source code of Version 1.2 (2012-11-11). (TMZ changed their HTML slightly. Not sure when. No one sent me an e-mail asking me to update the script. Anyway, this necessitated changing the CSS selector of the title and adding brief documentation.)
If you prefer to get your plugins from the site, the following hotlink takes you there in a new window:
The following .js hotlink opens a new window containing the source code of Version 1.1 (2011-08-21). It doesn't work with the HTML currently being served up by TMZ. So it's pretty useless unless you want to do a file comparison ("diff") to highlight the differnces.
The following .js hotlink opens a new window containing the source code of Version 1.0 (2011-05-07). It doesn't work with the HTML currently being served up by TMZ. So it's pretty useless unless you want to do a file comparison ("diff") to highlight the differnces.
Not sure whether or not you can get previous version(s) from But if so, it would be via the same URL as the current version. The following hotlink takes you there in a new window: